Digital Terrain Modelling

A Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is a digital representation of the elevation of a surface.

Once created, we can use the DTM for a number of different purposes, amongst them :

  • Calculating Cut and Fill volumes between existing and proposed surfaces

  • Calculating Volumes of Excavations & Stockpiles

  • Calculating Setting Out data, profile & batter boards, missing points and levels etc.

  • Creating manufacturer specific data for 3D Machine Control Systems

  • Tolerance and As-Built Surveys

  • To enable the drawing of sections through particular areas. To illustrate, for instance, elements such as road constructions and underground drainage / sewers.

  • To allow us to apply a specific surface render to each individual surface type or feature in order to produce a "virtual" 3d environment, with the aim of being able to better visualise your topographical survey or proposed project.

Prices are based on our office rates. Contact us here for further details.

We will always create a basic DTM during the processing of one of our Topographical Surveys. This enables us to produce height contours. Any additional work with the DTM or creation of DTM's from other sources etc. will be charged separately based on our office rates.